John Hale Jr. and Mary Willis
Family tree and Descendants
You are here:John Hale Sr > John Hale Jr
Apparently, John Jr. and his father, John Sr. both served in the Revolutionary War while in Virginia. DAR has the children below listed incorrectly as the children of Thomas (1742-1812) see the info
on Thomas Hale
Here is another DAR info error.
They made a correction to this info here: Hale Family Data Correction
The corrected letter lists the children of Thomas
and Jane Armstrong as John b. 7-29-1765, Armstrong, Jane, Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Jehu, Thomas, Betsy
This page was last updated Apr 10, 2020 Corrections were made to the children of John Hale Jr and Mary Willis.
John Hale Jr.
born: Abt. 1750, Botetourt Co., VA
died: 1798, Mercer Co., KY
marriage: He married Mary Willis Abt. 1773 in Botetourt Co., VA, daughter of JOSEPH WILLIS and HANNAH
note: apparently this is the father of Levi
Hale Sr. (1774-1826) see this
note: John Jr. is the 2nd son of John Hale Sr.
Mary Willis
born: abt 1754
marriage: John Hale Jr. in Mercer County, KY
note: sister of Nancy Willis. Nancy married Joseph Hale, the 3rd son of John Hale Sr. Mary Willis appears living with son John in the 1830 census.
Children of
John Hale Jr. and Mary Willis
Levi Hale Sr.
(Hale - Tucker tree)
born: April 04, 1774, Botetourt Co., VA;
died: 17 Jan 1826, Spencer County, IN, bur. Midway Cemetery, Spencer County, IN (d. January 30, 1825, Spencer Co., IN.?)
age: 52
marriage: b. 20 Aug 1773, VA, d. 28 Jul 1849, Spencer County, IN, bur. Midway Cemetery, Spencer County, IN, m. 3 Dec 1794, Mercer County, IN
children: (see Hale - Tucker tree)
note: will of Levi Hale Sr. dated 1-17-1826. This is a copy of the will, the original was hanging on a wall in the clerk's office at Spencer County Circuit Court, and apparently was stolen. witness / recorded 5-1-1826 in Spencer County. William McJones was a witness to Levi signing the will (on the day of his death), and swore that it was Levi's signature.
- Levi Hale Sr (native of Old Dominion, Virginia, moved to Spencer County in 1819) is found in a Spencer County Federal Census of 1820, with his 10 youngest children.
Jobe Hale
born: abt 1779
marriage: Elizabeth Hungate (m 25 Aug 1801)
children: John Hale (Catharine Dorothy Huff m. 18 Feb or May 1826
Polly Hale
Rhoda Hale
born: bef 1798
marriage: George E. Scott
John W. (Willis) Hale
born: bef 1798
marriage: Louisiana Badger
son: Felix Harvey Hale married Lucy Jane Stanley, dau. Of Thomas Jefferson “Jeff” Stanley and Martha Chastain. Their daughter: Rebecca Hale married Edward Reiss. (They got married in Clark County, Indiana because neither of their parents would consent.) Their son: John William Reiss married Teresa Elizabeth Stauss. Their daughter: Crescentia Reiss married Carroll Ramey DeHart. Their son William M. DeHart married Barbara Smith (my parents). They had me - and I married Chris Breisch.
note: The above information was sent via email from Beth in Fishers, Indiana on 4/18/20
Abigail Hale
born: bef 1798
marriage: William Huff
Rebecca Hale
born: bef 1798
marriage: John McEntire
Cassandra Hale
born: bef 1798
marriage: David Devine
Hannah Hale
born: bef 1798
marriage: James Dunn
Joseph Hale
born: bef 1798
Emailed Comments:
The above information was sent by Debra Hale Woerz - See this RTF file Hale_John_b1750-d1798_Descendants
Also see this information sent by J Coker. Descendents
of John Hale Jr and Mary Willis
Hi Carol, This is the information I have at this time on our Hale ancestors. There may be - likely - some errors in this material, but for the most part, I think it is fairly correct. I appreciate your interest in our family. If you see any gross errors, please let me know.