Evansville In Pictures

Pictures of the city of Evansville in Indiana. These pictures were taken on our last trip to Evansville to visit the relatives. My sister Diana gave us the grand tour.

Reitz Memorial Highschool

Reitz Memorial High schoolReitz Memorial Highschool - full view... another view...front sign.... front entrance...the big old tree... this is the Catholic highschool me and my sisters went to, located on Lincoln Ave. The top floor had the girls and the basement had the boys. They kept us separated and we all wore uniforms. The nuns were in full habit.

-Saint Mary's Catholic church.... corner of Cherry and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd... another view
-Heading downtown... the Evansville Civic Center...

Old Willard Library

Willard Library-The old Willard Library... Willard Library view.....full view... this was a hangout for us and our cousins when we were younger.

The library is so old inside and the wood floors were creaky. Our Grandma Genevieve Kaltenbacker Hayden lived 2 blocks from here.

They added a drive and parking area, we used to play baseball here.
-around the corner is Saint Boniface Catholic Church....front entrance view

Gerst Haus Restaurant

Gerst Haus RestaurantDiana took us to her favorite German American Restaurant on the West side of Evansville.... it's called the Gerst Bavarian Haus.... the top of the building says Rosenberger.... inside the restaurant are booths and small tables... here's another view of the decorations near us....

I took a picture of Diana and Vlad in the booth.... the menu cover for the Gerst Haus restaurant.... Gerst Haus menu inside... we ordered the sausage sampler.... the Gerst sampler... and the Bavarian Kraut Balls... yum yum

As we left it started raining. I walked across the street and took another picture of the Gerst Haus. The top of this old building says "B. Nurrenbern," and a stone with the date 1893. Front window decorations had pumpkins and the other window had a display of beer bottles... along with some old pictures.

The Gerst Haus used to be a hardware store. .. the front window also say, "Heldt Voelker Company Tavern" Vlad looks at the old pictures in the window. The Gerst Haus also has an Oyster Bar. Looking up, I took a picture of a sign that says "Paulaner Munchen." Here's an old mailbox that was on the column.

Mesker Zoo

Mesker Zoo entranceAfter we left the German restaurant we went to St. Joseph's Cemetery, but it was still raining and couldn't get out of the car till it stopped.

We left St. Joes and went to Mesker Zoo, but it was closed. We always loved the monkey ship. The ship is still there, but no monkeys.

See another view and here is a better picture of the entrance.

The Downtown Riverfront

Evansville waterfrontWe headed downtown to the Evansville riverfront, which is right on the Ohio River. I took some pictures of a casino that they built there to look like a ferry. Here's another view of the casino ferry. We didn't go into Casino Aztar.

We headed down toward the Evansville museum and there is a 4 column monument there. It was still raining, so we parked at the Visitor's Center and walked around for awhile on the levee. There was sign that said the area was a Civil War Camp. Across the street are historical homes.

The Levee Walkway

We walked toward the downtown riverfront and saw that the Ohio River was up and had flooded the ramp. This is not unusual, It does that every year as far back as I can remember. Check out this big log that floated up. The other side of the river is Kentucky.

Here's some warning signs on the ramp, like No Swimming, which is good advice, because the current is too strong. I guess the river was a lot higher, because the ramp was all muddy. Here's a sign about the Ohio River Levee system.

Along the walkway on the levee are story or information boards, and I took some pictures. One has the history of Evansville, called "A Town is Born." "A Dream is Born" "A Sculpture is Born" and here is the sculpture and here is the three flagpoles in front of the sculpture. Another storyboard is called " The Beautiful River... Road to Riches."

There is information about the "Celestial Gate." Here's a picture of the Celestial Gate.
"A River to Enjoy" about the Ohio River Basin
Information about the Indians and the French explorers and the settlers and the underground railroad
Here's a view looking southeast from the levee and a view looking northwest from the levee

The Old Nashville Louisville Train

I walked down from the levee to see the old train. It is an old passenger train by Louisville and Nashille, and there is a caboose in back. Here's a closer view of the steam engine, and a picture of the front of the engine..no 1416.
The entrance to the train museum and

The Evansville Museum was closed that day, but here is the entrance with the times it is open. There is a huge tree in front, but I don't know what kind of tree it is. Here's the leaves.

Pictures of the Riverfront Monument

See the Google map location

Four Freedoms Monument-The Four Freedoms Monument plaque.... large view of the 4 column monument
-a view of the monument from the levee
-Connecticut is on one of the stones... On the back is Connecticut Jan 9, 1788
-Massachusetts is on one of the stones... Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788
-The Great Seal of the State of New York
-The Seal of the State of Rhode Island
-Rhode Island and North Carolina
-There is a stone for all of the United States
-A time capsule at the monument, to be opened July 4, 2176
-In front of the monument are some sculptures for the Korean War... a closer view... more detail
-The plaque in front of the Korean War Memorial

Pictures of the Visitors Center

See the Google map location

Evansville Visitor's CenterThe Evansville Visitor's Center is inside of a Pagoda shaped building. Pretty cool looking with it's red slate roof. Here's a view from the levee toward the pagola.

-The Visitor's Center entrance
-a display of Ohio River ferries
-an information display for hotels and motels
-They have an old picture of the riverfront that shows it used to be a shipyard.
-This cannon was used in the Civil war on the steamer Charley Bowen
-on the front of the cannon... "We Have Come to Stay"
-Captain Henry T. Dexter 1872... back of cannon

The LST 325 Ship

After we left the waterfront, Diana wanted to show us another tourist attraction called the LST 325. Here is the entrance gate with the admission fees. It costs $10.00 to go on the ship. Here's a sign pointing toward the entrance...located on the Ohio River, with Kentucky on the other side.

You walk to the ticket booth then follow the ramp to the ship. There is a gun on the front of the ship. There is a banner on the ship that says, "Port of Evansville."

See the Google map location
See the LST Memorial website

Miscellaneous and Downtown Pictures

-the old Public Library... another view.... the building... now a Children's Museum with a dinosaur in front
-Main Street view
-I'm glad they saved the old courthouse... courthouse view.... Vine and Fifth St view of courthouse.... the decorative top of the courthouse closeup... full front of courthouse
-the old post office... Old Post Office view.... front entrance
-another historical building.
-Evansville is called "River City"... the old YWCA on 2nd Street?....the new convention center
-a downtown view with the red brick street... a downtown water fountain
-our parents used to take us here alot... the Roca Bar
-our favorite icecream shop is still open... Zesto on Riverside drive

Evansville Websites

Courier and Press newspaper
Official city of Evansville website
Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau
Evansville Museum
Angel Mounds State Historic Site

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Email ckononov@aol.com