Zoar Cemetery
Spencer County, Indiana

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Zoar CemeteryZoar Cemetery: CR 50 W between CR 600 N and 500 N (Grass Township)

When we went to visit Zoar Cemetery, we felt that none of our relatives were there, and did not recognize any of the names. It seemed all the names on the headstones were written in German or something. I only took a couple of pictures here.

- Zoar Cemetery sign... Zoar cemetery sign
- large tree at entrance to cemetery... large tree
- view of the cemetery... view of the cemetery
- wife of Godfrey Kennedy... wife of Godfrey Kennedy
- Lydia, wife of A. A. Egnew... Lydia wife

Kerr Cemetery

Kerr Cemetery Location: CR 500N between CR 275W and CR 450W.

We could not find this cemetery. There is a wooded area there with a ravine. There is also new homes being built nearby. We also checked a plot of land across the street that had weeds in it, but there were no headstones there. See the pictures we took of this area below .

- Kerr Cemetery supposed location... Kerr Cemetery
- area entrance, new homes being built... Kerr entrance
- view of the surrounding woods... surrounding woods
- view of the weed section across the street... weed section
- another view of the woods... view of woods

Gwaltney Memorial Cemetery

Gwaltney Memorial Cemetery Location: CR 450W between CR 700 N and CR 750 N in Midway, Indiana (Grass Township)

We only found one "Hale" here, it's a pretty large cemetery. See pictures below.

- entrance of Gwaltney-Midway cemetery... entrance
- Belle, wife of J. R. Edwards, Born Sept 15, 1888; Died Aug 28, 1908... Belle Edwards
- A. Nick Hale 1886-1961; and Mabel B. 1887-1961... Nick and Mabel Hale

Beasley Cemetery

When we found the road that would lead to Beasley Cemetary, it had a thick wire bolted from two posts to keep you from entering. Nearby was a sign with an address though, and we feel that maybe the Beasley Cemetery isn't there any more.

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