Ritchie Cemetery (near Stateler Cemetery)
Spencer County, Indiana
You are here:Home > Indiana Cemeteries > Ritchie Cemetary (near Stateler)
When we went to find the Stateler cemetery, we asked a nearby neighbor where it was located. He directed us to follow a road heading East. We stopped by a plot of woods about a half mile away.
The plot of woods that was not taken care of.
We are looking for Lydia K., and sure enough, after wading through the brush and brambles, there was one headstone with Lydia K. On it.
Later we found out this plot of land was not Stateler Cemetary at all, but according to Spencer County Records, it is called Ritchie Cemetery and there are suppose to be five internments there. see this info See this map to view location of Ritchie which is not far from Stateler.
Lydia K. wife of James M. McCoy. This gravesite is the not the only documented evidence that we have found. Here is the map that was given to us by Hartley to find Lydia's grave. Stateler Cemetery ia about a mile away. Here's is the location of Ritchie Cemetery where we found Lydia's headstone.
Lydia K, wife of James M. McCoy, Born June 1, 1833; Died May 17, 1869; age 35 result on paper
See some pictures:
- view of the woods from on top the mound... looking
- headstone location leaning against a tree... headstone
- Lydia K headstone... headstone
- closeup of Lydia K headstone... closeup
view ... another view...
view 1... view
- Debbie tries to outline what the gravestone says... outline...
another view
- we tried to use a flashlight from the side... flashlight
- nothing on the back of the headstone... back
- the only other stone I found was in the ground... other
- Result of the outline on paper... result
on paper
- view east from cemetery... view
east... view looking west
- I stand by a huge tree, cemetery to the right in distance... huge
- the neighbors home who helped us find it... neighbor's
- the street sign at the location... streetsign
Emailed Comment from C Roth:
I came across your website quite by accident and saw what was written about the Stateler cemetery and a Sandra K? I didn't read any further but the info that you have on the location of the cemetery is incorrect. It is actually located on the Vogel's property Southeast of County Road 500 N and 200 E. There is about 12 tombstones there and it is inside a small fenced in area. This is my husband's family cemetery and his family lived and owned most of the area in the Knobbs back in the 1800's. I hope this helps out. There is information on the web of all the people buried in this location. Have a good day. C Roth 5-15-2011
My Notes: After doing some research online, this location can't be Stateler Cemetary, findagrave.com says Stateler cemetary has 14 internments. This plot of land only had one gravestone in it, and it was Lydia K's. But when you research the internments for Stateler Cemetary, it has Lydia K listed there! Haven't figured this one out yet! Carol K 5-15-2011
Notes: This cemetary is called Ritchie
cemetery according to Spencer County records.